Donations to Capable Partners, Inc.
a 501c3 incorporated in 1986 to help physically challenged outdoor enthusiasts get outdoors
You may pay with Credit Card or Debit Card quickly and easily.
To pay with a Credit Card, choose PayPal (which is our Credit Card processor) from the drop down menu on the Payments screen. Then click on the PayPal icon.
- To pay by Credit Card, scroll down to select “Pay with Debit or Credit Card” where the secure PayPal Guest Checkout will ask for Credit/Debit Card information and your address
- Enter the info and click “Pay Now"
To Donate, click this button.
Joe says, "I am donating to "Capable Partners" through I have also told my friends, relatives, and business contacts about the "Capable Partners" charity option through Amazon. It is a free donation to anyone who uses Amazon, and part of the proceeds from the AmazonSmile option automatically go to a charity of the user's choice."